In a nutshell.
If it involves people in the workplace, we can help.
We unleash high performance workplaces.
Organisation Dynamics is a leading high impact consulting company which operates across the Asia-Pacific. Our team of specialists work with leaders to fine-tune workplace dynamics to unleash high-performance. Our approach is to establish psychological safety so that people can contribute and collaborate effectively, especially in highly complex, dynamic environments.
We provide best practice teaming, leadership, culture and coaching solutions to leaders within major projects and organisations. Our team are passionate about leveraging the people sciences and human-centred approaches to maximise our impact and sustain outcomes.
We are Australia's most trusted high performance coach for organisations.
We partner with CEOs and Senior Leaders to coach and facilitate high performing workplaces. Our specialities include:
Organisation culture change and transformation
High performance team development and maintenance
Leadership development and coaching
Engagement, performance, culture and collaboration measurement
Strategy, business and team planning
Workforce planning and capability development
Team, Individual and Leader psychological and neuroscience profiling
Support, guidance and support for leaders
Establishment of multi-party joint venture and alliance teams
We achieve this through leadership coaching, high-impact facilitation, professional and executive coaching, team facilitation, and specialist people and performance strategy and advisory services.
Our philosophy is human.
Organisations are living, breathing networks of interactions.
Within these networks, people influence the choices and behaviours of each other. Over time, choices and behaviours repeat and these patterns become entrenched ways of thinking and operating.
These entrenched ways of operating impact how effectively customers, stakeholders and community are served. Over time, these patterns will either boost or impede potential.
Harnessing these dynamics and motivations of people, is the key to releasing human potential.
Changing the well-worn patterns of the past is often necessary, but difficult. Hindsight no longer provides foresight. Likewise, following in the footsteps of others rarely leads you to the same destination.
The only real thing that leaders do of importance is manage culture. If you do not manage culture, it manages you, and you may not be aware the extent to which it is happening.
Edgar Schein
“If you do not change direction, you might end up where you are heading.”
- Lao Tzu.