Alone we can do so little.
Together we can do so much.
Helen Keller.

Cultural Alignment solutions for your people.
Contact us for assistance in navigating the best option for you.
Organisation wide solutions.
Awaken the power of teams.
Purposeful teams.
You already understand that high performing teams don’t happen by accident. You know they each take their own, unique path of investment to see them flourish. You know every team paves a unique path to greatness.
Your teams will be led through an intricate set of conversations about the habits and strengths of the team. The individuals in your team will learn the habits and strengths of each other. Each team accelerates through the team development process towards a path of high performance. Momentum is built through two very intentional ‘check in’, progress and learning conversations spaced approximately one month after the initial two-day team workshop.
This program sets out a best-practice approach to supporting each team become collaborative and high performing through alignment to goals, addressing key issues, establishing a habit of reflection and working on key strengths.
Create contagious leadership.
Nine Conversations in Leadership.
So you are looking to develop your leaders so that they rise up to the challenges and opportunities that lay before them?
This is one of our most popular alignment programs. Leaders are guided through a conversational journey lasting approximately 10-12 months. Each cohort of leaders will contemplate, address and align around key organisational challenges. Leaders contemplate and address how they are individually and collectively leading the organisational context, leading communities, alignment, , leading their teams, developing individuals, right through to leading their own self development and energy.
This program integrates theory, practice, experience, peer coaching and a 360 assessment to support each leader’s development journey. It fits real leadership teams or any cohort of leadership teams of the same level within your organisation.
Build management competence fast.
New Manager Bootcamp.
Many of us have trodden this path before… from being an expert in our field of expertise, to being responsible for managing a team of people.
This experiential journey is especially designed for people new to the management role - particularly those that have been ‘thrown in’ to the deep end. It helps your new managers take the leap from doing the work themselves, to trusting others and supporting them to giving their best.
This journey within this program guides participants through 3 domains of competence, and 12 themes of managing a team over a 5 month timeframe. The program design supports a transformational experience that supports your managers achieve great outcomes in the context of your strategy.
This program is also available via an online / virtual delivery format.
Special purpose solutions.
Invest in tomorrow’s potential.
Ready to Lead.
You’ve got some high performers in your team. You want to keep them. You believe they are the product of the future. You would like them to develop and grow. They could be your leaders of the future. Perhaps they are already ready to lead…
This program is designed to support your high performance and highly talented individuals prepare to step up. This is the place where you can support your people build their own leadership maturity, prepare their voice and begin to step up without the fear of getting it wrong. This is the training ground for leaders who will become grounded, strong, influential lifelong learners within your organisation.
This program is set out to focus on strengths and encourage them to refine their own unique qualities. This program masterfully builds individuals prepared for greatness through accessing the head, heart and hands realms.
Create custodians of the culture.
Coherent Leadership Teams.
Your organisation’s executive team are the custodians of important and unique roles within the organisation. Their ability to pull together, change gears, orchestrate potential and signal the organisation is one that requires re-tuning from time to time. Sometimes this is due to a new strategy, environmental or contextual challenges, market tensions, or even changes in the team itself.
This program takes leaders through a series of important choices around three key pillars; strategy, organisational design and culture.
Whatever the reason, this program takes leaders on an efficient, direct, development and transformational journey towards a new collectively-owned direction.
Activate corporate guidance through relationships.
Wise Boards.
Perhaps your board has arrived at that place. Yep, that’s the one.
The one where you have mastered the ‘basics’ of the boardroom. You have the right topics on the table, established a rhythm in your dynamics and are making decisions in relation to strategy and compliance. But you know it takes more to help masterfully guide the organisation towards a path of greatness.
Wise Boards helps successful business leaders navigate the leadership transition from Executive leader functions, to Board functions. It helps board master the art of influencing the organisation, not just directing it.
That’s what this program is about, how as a board you can establish a partnership with the organisation and lead the culture through relationship.