Alliancing &



Facilitating and coaching award-winning High Performance Teams for two decades.

Collaboration. noun. the act or process of two or more people working together to obtain an outcome desired by all.

We are the premium High Performance Facilitation and Coaching provider across Australia and New Zealand. We provide brain-based and pragmatic collaboration solutions to major projects, Alliances, hard dollar contracts, O&M contracts, PPPs, EPC and programs of work.


Introducing a whole new approach to Team Alignment for Collaboration-based projects.



Sustainable behaviour change all starts with mindset. High performance athletes and teams have understood this to be true for decades. Now your team can have the winning edge through this revolutionary new program. We also offer more advanced programs for Leaders who coach and mentor their people.

Introducing a world first….

We realised that there was a problem in traditional Alliance projects. That is, traditional coaching methods rely on Alliance Coaches spending hours educating people around Alliance Contracting. This is expensive and inefficient.

We set out on a mission to solve this problem. As a result we arrived at…

Alliance Dynamics

Australia and New Zealand’s first online, self paced Alliance 101 program. It is generic enough to apply to any Alliance Project, yet specific enough to help individuals understand how they can best apply themselves to make the most of the experience. We have planted secrets of success sourced from psychology and industry leaders to help your team expand, learn and grow.

We are on a mission to empower and support Alliance Leaders to create high performing teams.

Sign up below to learn more or request a trial licence.


Bids, Tenders & Procurement.

We get involved in all forms of team selection. We understand how individuals and teams can perform at their peak. We support tendering teams to prepare for selection conditions and stand out from their competition. We also support owner teams apply scientifically-sound selection methodologies to secure high performing teams.

Project Delivery.

From formation to completion. Our team works with your team to develop high performance in your team and collaboration between participants. This includes foundation workshops, governance excellence, conflict resolution, team establishment & building, innovation solutions, health checks, leadership development, professional development, internal communications, executive coaching, recognition and reward systems and unique engagement solutions.



What makes us unique is our extraordinary expertise in people.

We are not engineers. We aren’t technical advisors. We are people people. This means we have a two-part formula to how we develop your team:

  1. We monitor for six critical Performance Prerequisites and identify the levers that provide the environment for high performance

  2. We equip your leaders with a complete leadership and management toolbox to maximise Motivational Intelligence in your team