Mark Runge
Mark’s is driven to enable great decision making. He has over 20 years of professional experience working with organisations to identify and define opportunities and make sustainable long term improvement.
Mark began his career in consulting with the heavy industry and mining sectors with a focus on process improvement. After consulting, he has worked for two major mining companies in roles in Australia and internationally. He has worked hands on with operators and leaders to collaborate, identify and make low and no cost behavioural and system change to create greater efficiency and value. His role expanded to include incident investigation which piqued his interest in Behavioural Economics to understand behaviour and reduce bias in decision making.
Most recently, Mark has pivoted to longer term operation analysis and guiding ESG and production strategic decision making. This role has provided opportunities to directly utilise the academic understanding of behaviour to prioritise multifaceted problems and build guidelines that encourage the most rational value-adding decisions. Examples of his implementation of these tools include recognising opportunities to exit major capital investment to add value, pursuit of reductions in green house gasses for profit, and shifting contract negotiations from zero sum to infinite game win-win positions.
“I enjoy working with clients to define problems. Often by better understanding the challenge (or opportunity), we can then identify the best and longest lasting solution. That might be complex statistical analysis, but can often be an idea that the client team has yet to explore which unlocks idea ownership and the greatest value!”